Ultimate MAME: MAME II Pictures
all material on these pages are copywrite Jeff McClain, 2000 and 2001 and may not be used without express permission
I would recommend looking through all of the other step-by-step guides I give on the Original Ultimate MAME cabinet that I built, as most things went very similar on the second build. Then refer back here for some more detailed pictures and slight differences on the second one. I also have the Plan Cuts for this second machine available.
Differences on second machine:
- Widened the cabinet by around 2.5" to a total width of 31" to fit the HDTV.
- Minor profile changes and monitor incline angle made on new design.
- Moved to 27" Priceton Graphics Arcadia HDTV display.
- Moved to a USB keyboard encoder from Hagstrom Electronics.
- Slight change to the control panel layout, including a deeper box and larger profile (new one is 4'x3' up from 3'x2').
- Added spinner control for Tempest, Arkanoid, Tron, and other driving games.
- Added a gun control from Act Labs for games like Crossbow.
- Added a tempered glass swing out window and much larger marquee.
- Added a coin op door
- Added some custom side art
Index of pictures:
Note: Some of the pictures below are squished out of proportion in the tumbnail view. Click on them to see the full sized pictures...
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Page maintained by Jeff McClain, jeff@themcclains.net. Copyright(c) VelociWorks 2000-2005
Last modified Friday, 20-Apr-2018 15:09:17 CDT