Ultimate MAME: Downloads
Marquee Full Color .TIF file of the MAME Marquee (prints roughly 25"x8", but you CAN have printer scale it a little).
Turbo CAD 6.2 Pro 3D view .DWG files Fully 3D Rendered, and plan view with full dimensions plus layout for cuts on 4'x8' sheets. Zipped.
JPG image of Turbo CAD plans Not as good as the Turbo CAD files, but gives you an idea...these are large files.
KE72 Config File for MAME This is my original file for just MAME. I have since moved to the SNES config below for EVERYTHING.
KE72 Config File for SNES This is my original file for the combination SNES emulator and MAME (much more friendly).
Default MAME Keyconfig Place this in your MAME/CFG directory for the default game settings as defined for the KE72 SNES config above.
MAME Config Place this in your MAME directory for my mame.cfg settings (for the TV control and resolution settings that I use).
ArcadeOS Config Place this in your ArcadeOS directory for my arcadeos.cfg settings (for the TV control and resolution settings that I use).
Arcade@Home INI Place this in your Arcade@Home directory for my arcade.ini settings (for the TV control and resolution settings that I use).
Mame32 v.98.4
Mame32 v.98
note: you may need to RIGHT-CLICK on the link and click Save As...
I run mame from Arcade@Home like this:
mameppro.exe -ntsc -noscanlines -triplebuffer -vesamode vesa3 -soundcard 1 -sr 44100 -joy standard
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Page maintained by Jeff McClain, jeff@themcclains.net. Copyright(c) VelociWorks 2000-2005
Last modified Friday, 20-Apr-2018 15:09:04 CDT